Internet Marketing

Everything you need to drive your online marketing campaigns

Contact us today

Our approach is simple. Our process is comprehensive. Our results are clear.

Web Analytics

Interpreting your web analytics is crucial to a successful SEO or any Internet marketing campaign. IMM has a team to help you maximize your investment in Internet marketing strategies.


Our Approach

Through accessing a client’s analytics IMM-LLC is able to analyze their visitor traffic to evaluate their journey through the website. From entering the Landing page through the exit of the website, we are able to interpret the source of the visitor, their interactions while on the website and if they are a new or returning visitor.



By understanding your website visitors behavior in relationship to the website, IMM-LLC is better able to understand the strengths and weaknesses of the website and develop an internet marketing strategy to improve the website’s performance.






Questions? Ready to get started? Get in touch!

New York:
314 East State St
Ithaca NY 14850
